
Header for "Weaping"

The Haconarmal

Portrait of Óðinn

The Death of King Fjölnir

Hermóðr´s Ride to Hel

Illustrated Capital Letter "O" in The Heroes of Asgard

Disa Riding a Goat

Starkaðr and the Death of King Víkarr

The Deaths of King Álfr and King Yngvi

Illustrated Title for Ragnarok

Týr Feeding Fenrir

The Battle of Ragnarök

Gróa's Incantation

Auðhumbla and Búri

Þórr Riding a Goat

Þórr's Throne Room

Þórr´s Trip to the Court of Útgarða-Loki

Óðinn Practicing Seiðr


The Punishment of Loki

The Gods Attacking Gullveig

Höðr the Blind

Surtr and Freyr in Combat


The Death of Erling

The Death of King Óláfr Trételgja

Gefjon Plowing with her Sons

Baldr's Funeral

Óðinn in Torment

The Norns

King Ólafr and The Serpent´s Keel

Vébjörg Becomes a Valkyrie

Illustrated Title Header for "The Punishment of

The Greco-Roman Seeress Cybele

The Death of King Eysteinn Hálfdansson

The Death of King Jörundr

The Death of

The Death of Þórr

Líf and Lífþrasir After RagnaRök

Óðinn Taking Vébjörg to Valhöll


Loki's Flight to Jötunheimr

Illustrated Title Header for Saint Ólafr´s Saga

Illustrated Capital Letter "O" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Skeleton of Níðhöggr

Illustrated Title Header for "Baldur"

Þórr Slays the Ox


Þórr Fishing for

The Death of Vébjörg

"Found a Shrivelled Witch-Woman"

Loki Sitting on a Cliff

Þórr Dressed as Þrymr's Bride

The Giant Skrymir


Þórr's Fishing Trip

The Death of King Fjölnir

Header for "Niflheim"

Freyja Riding on Óttarr

Freyja Awakes Hyndla

Óðinn Attacking Fenrir

Fenja and Menja

Illustrated Title Header for "The Story of the

The Dying
Heroes, From Uhland

Header for "The Punishment of Loki"



Alvíss Turned to Stone

The Death of King Yngvarr

"Iðunn Giving Loki an Apple"

Skaði Choosing Her Husband

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

Gerðr and Skirnir

Illustrated Capital Letter "N" in The Heroes of Asgard


Header for "Honour"

Header for "A Giant-A Cow-and a Hero"



Grettir Swimming Back to the Ship


King Óláfr Haraldsson Converting Pagans


Title Page for The Heroes of
Asgard (1930)

Baldr's Funeral Pyre

The Death of Vébjörg

Naming Ceremony

Þórr´s Fishing Trip

Vébjörg's Body on the Battlefield

""Arise! I Am Sigurd"

Header for "Helheim"

The Death of King Guðröðr Veiðikonung

Þórr Fishing for Miðgarðsormr

Þrymr's Wedding-feast

The Power of the Harp

Óðinn Riding Sleipnir

Illustrated Capital Letter "A" in The Heroes of Asgard


Sigurðr and the Death of Fáfnir

Illustrated Capital Letter "T" in The Heroes of Asgard

Vébjörg Triumphant

Loki Triumphant

Heiðrún Standing on the Roof of Valhöll


Queen Bera, King Álfr, and King Yngvi

"“Sigurd Smote The Sword On The Anvil"

Heimdallr and His Nine Mothers

Illustrated Title Header for "The Twilight of the


The Stranger at the Door

The Death of King Dómarr

Óðinn and the Völuspá Seeress

The Punishment of Loki

The Death of Vísburr

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Binding of Fenrir

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard


The Death of Frigg

Valkyries at Ragnarök

Illustrated Title Header for "Thor's Wonderful

Header for "Hela"



Illustrated Title Header for "Tyr and the

King Högni and His Men Riding into Sweden

Header for "Reflection in the Water"

Header for "From Asgard to Utgard"

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard

Skirnir's Message to Gerðr

The Death of King Aðils

Iduna's Apples


Thor went forth against Jörmungand

Óláfr Haraldsson on a Viking Expedition

Header for "The Peacestead"

Portrait of Hel

The Deluding of Gylfi

The Deluding of

Thorr's Hunt for
his Hammer

"Odin, the Allfather"

Þórr's Throne Room

Edda Title Page

King Óláfr Tryggvason in a Pagan Temple

The Death of Baldr

Illustrated Title Header for Saint Ólafr´s Saga

The Death of Baldr

The Header for "The Children of Loki"

Líf and Lífþrasir

Þórr and Skrýmir

The Crow Warns Kon

The Vision of the Mighty One

"Þórr Chaining Fenrir"

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

"Þórr´s Trip to the Court of


The Mighty Þórr

"The Norns"

Þórr´s Fishing Trip

"There They Cast Anchor"

"Skirnir Among the Dwarfs"


The Abduction of Iðunn

The Deluding of Gylfi

Víðarr Slaying Fenrir


Header for "The Twilight of the Gods"

"Hermod´s Return With the Dwarfs"

The Seeress Huldr and the Sons of Vísburr

The Death of King Guðlaugr

The Death of King Hálfdan Hvítbeinn

Illustrated Capital Letter "N" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Forging of Mjöllnir


Hermóðr´s Ride to Hel

Vafþrúðnir Concedes

The Deluding of

Fenrir About to Devour Óðinn

Þórr Threatens Hárbarðr

Oðinn Casting His Spear

Freyr at The Battle of Ragnarök

The Death of King Eysteinn Aðilsson

Hyrrokkin Riding to Baldr's

Óðinn and Baugi Drilling into Hnitbjörg

The Death of King Sveigðir

The Death of King Hálfdan Hinn Mildi

Header for "Fairest Gerda"

Óðinn and Vébjörg at The Battle of


Valkyries at Ragnarök

Hyrrokkin Riding a Wolf

Dust Jacket for The Heroes of
Asgard (1930)

Header for Mallet's Edda, ou
Mythologie Celtique

King Aun on his High Seat

Þórr and Miðgarðsormr in Combat

"Þórr and Hymir's Fishing Trip"

Svipdagr finds Menglöð

"As She Sang She Combed Her Long Hair"

“But Naught Cared Hervar"

Dagr and Skinfaxi Falling

Illustrated Capital Letter "O" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Punishment of Loki

Freyja in the Iron Wood


King Olaf the Saint

Loki taunts Bragi


Njörðr's Longing For the Sea

The Dying

Níðhöggr Near the End of Ragnarök

Víðarr Slaying Fenrir

Loki Bound

Svipdagr's Men

Giant Suttungr and the Dwarves

The Death of Baldr

Móðguðr Guarding the Bridge

The Binding of Fenrir

Illustrated Capital Letter "U" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Death of Erling

Valkyries and Þórr

Óðinn and Baugi Drilling into Hnitbjörg

Queen Álöf hin Ríka and Queen Yrsa

The Power of the Harp

The Wooing of Hilda

Víðarr the Silent

The Curse of the Gudmunds

Starkaðr Fighting with Vébjörg

Hyrrokkin Riding to Baldr's Funeral

Þórr's Fishing Trip


Thor's Battle With the Frost Giants

The Punishment of Loki

Suttungr Pursuing Óðinn

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

"The Aesir"

St. Óláfr Killing a Dragon

The Death of King Dagr hinn spaki

Loki and Þjazi

Header for "The Dream"

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

Óðinn Summons Vébjörg to Valhöll

Óðinn and the Archer

Header for "The Secret of Svartheim"

The Header for "Odhærir"

Queen Ragnhild's Dream


The Ancestry of Óttarr

The Deluding of Gylfi

The Binding of Fenrir

Naming Ceremony

"Freyja in the Dwarfs' Cave"

"How Þórr went to Jötunheim"

The Death of Baldr

"The Young Men Looked At Each Other But Said

The Deluding of

The Deaths of King Ingaldr hinn Illráði and Queen

The Giant Skrymir and Þórr

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard

King Óðinn

Fulla on Her Way to Geirröðr's Court

The Death of Þórr

The Abduction of Iðunn


Baldr's Funeral Ship

Illustrated Capital Letter "W" in The Heroes of Asgard

Hárbarðr Mocks Þórr

Suttungr Pursuing Óðinn

The Death of King Dyggvi


Header for "Bifrost, Urda and the Norns"



Skaði's Longing for the Mountains

Sigurd Slaying Fafnir

Odin's Self-sacrifice

Illustrated Capital Letter "S" in The Heroes of Asgard

Þrymr and Loki

Alvíss Answers Þórr

Illustrated Capital Letter "O" in The Heroes of Asgard

Header for "The King of the Sea and his

Óðinn Shape-shifting

Header for "On Tiptoe in Air Throne"


Miðgarðsormr's Skull

Heimdallr and the Gjallarhorn

The Lovesickness of Freyr

Heimdallr and the Gjallarhorn

The Roman God Mars Equated With

Illustrated Capital "J"

Freyja and the Dwarves


Ragnarr Loðbrók's Ships Sailing to

The Death of King Braut-Önundr


Kráka and Ragnarr

The Deluding of

"The Punishment of Loki"

King Óðinn

Óláfr Haraldsson on a Viking Expedition

Starkaðr Fighting at the Battle of


The Death of Starkaðr

"They Rolled Over And Over"

The Death of King Agni

Header for "The Serpent and the Kettle"

Header for "Air Throne, the Dwarfs and the Light

Mímis Brunnr After the Battle of Ragnarök

"In Wolf's Cottage"

After the Battle of Ragnarök

Unpublished Illustrated Title Header (NG.KH.B7100) for
Saint Ólafr´s Saga

Queen Ragnhild's Dream


Garm and Óðinn

Auðhumbla and Búri

Header for "The Winged Giant"

Queen Álöf hin Ríka and Queen Yrsa

Header for "Through Flood and Fire"

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of
Asgard (1930)

Skaði Choosing Her Husband

Frontispiece for The Heroes of
Asgard (1930)

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard

"Thor's Attack on the Giant Skrymir"

"The Elf Dance"

The Abduction of Iðunn


Heimdallr Blowing His Horn

The Death of King Óttarr

The Deluding of Gylfi

Bragi and Iðunn

Heimdallr and the Gjallarhorn

Loki the Pie Thief

Hermóðr's Ride to Hel

"Skaði Hunting"

Loki's Flight to Jötunheimr

Heiðrún Standing on the Roof of Valhöll

The Deluding of Gylfi


Þórr Fighting With a Club

Header for "Loki - The Iron Wood - A Boundless

Title Page for The
Elder or Poetic Edda, Commonly Known as Sæmund's

Illustrated Title Header for "A Gift From

Íðunn and the Magic Apples

The Treasures of the Gods

The Death of King Óláfr Haraldsson

"Þórr Fighting Miðgarðsormr"


The Death of King Vanlandi

Óðinn and Frigg


Gerða and Skirnir

Earl Eirek's Voyage

Hrólfr Kraki

Líf and Lífþrasir


"Freyja at the Entrance of the Iron Wood"

Freyr and Freyja

Þórr's Throne Room

Miðgarðsormr and Þórr in Combat

Níðhöggr at Ragnarök

Hyrrokkin Riding to Baldr's Funeral

The Treasures of the Gods

Hermóðr and the Gates of Hel

Header for "The Wood Barri"

Víðarr and Fenrir

Starkaðr Flees from the Battle of

Illustrated Title Header for "How Thor Lost His

Nanna Grieving

Illustrated Title Header for "Aegir's

“The Men of Sweden Came Creeping Forth"

Master Olaf (From the German)

Gautviðr Taking Ingjaldr to see Svipdagr

Gunnlöð the Giant´s Daughter

Þórr and the Giant Skrymir

The Capture of Loki

The Deluding of

Fimbulvetr Mermaid

Þóra´s Dragon

Óðinn's Last Words to Baldr

Header for "The Might of Asgard"

Óðinn Riding Sleipnir

Rígr in Great-grandfather's Cottage

The Giant Suttungr and the Dwarfs

The Death of King

The Death of Baldr

"Thor's Battle With the Frost Giants"

Oðinn Consulting the Seeress


Illustrated Capital Letter "A" in The Heroes of Asgard

"The Wanderings of Freya"

The Viking's Serf

Illustrated Capital Letter "T" in The Heroes of Asgard

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard


"The Binding of Fenrir"

The Death of Miðgarðsormr

Illustration Concerning Skaði and her

Freyja in the Dwarves' Cave

The Seeress Huldr and the Sons of Vísburr

Óðinn Feeding His Wolves

Óðinn Teaching the Art of War

Gefjon and the Giant

Header for "The Necklace Brisingamen"


Illustrated Capital Letter "F" in The Heroes of Asgard

Fenrir Bound

The Death of King Egill

Illustrated Title Header for "The Hammer of

The Stealing of Iduna

Header for "The Gift"


King Aun Sending his Tenth Son to be

Portrait of Hel

Illustrated Capital Letter "T" in The Heroes of Asgard

Illustrated Title Header for The
Saga of the Ynglings

Illustrated Title Header for "Freya's


The Sons of Borr

Þórr Wrestling with Old Age

The Sacrifice of King Dómaldr


Illustrated Title Header for "Odin's

Naming Ceremony

Header for "Baldur Dead"

Illustrated Capital Letter "I" in The Heroes of Asgard

Illustrated Capital Letter "A" in The Heroes of Asgard

Berserks Biting a Shield

"Iduna and the Ellewomen"

Óðinn Riding Sleipnir

Fimbulvetr Mermaid Drowning a Man

King Ingjald Making Peace

The Völuspá Seeress

Illustrated Capital Letter "N" in The Heroes of Asgard

The Deaths of King Alrekr and King Eirikr


Loki and Sigyn