Hermóðr and the Gates of Hel

Hermóðr and the Gates of Hel

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Creatures: animals, birds, monsters etc.

Sleipnir (non.) Óðinn´s eight-legged horse which Loki bore after mating with the Giant Builder's stallion Svaðilfari.

Giants and Giantesses

Hel (non.) A monstrous female being who is one of the three offspring of Loki and his mistress, the giantess Angrboða.

Gods and Goddesses

Baldr (non.) Balder (en.) The god who was killed by his brother Höðr.
Hermóðr (non.) Hermod (en.) The god who rode Sleipnir to Hel to try and obtain the release of Baldr.


Death of Baldr Myth A myth concerning an accidental fratricide. It sometimes includes Loki as an instigator who dupes Baldr's brother, Höðr, into the act and actually guides his hand. In the Prose Edda, Snorri says that Höðr was blind.
Hermóðr´s Ride to Hel A part of the Death of Baldr myth. Hermóðr rides Sleipnir to Hel in order to try and obtain the release of Baldr.

Mythological Events

Ragnarök (non.) Ragnarok (en.) The final great battle between the gods and the giants.

Mythological Places

Hel (non.) In the Prose Edda, Óðinn assigns Loki and Angrboða's daughter Hel to rule over a domain named Hel in Niflheim.


hestr (non.) horse (en.)

Source Materials:

Ragnarok: En Billeddigtning (da.) Louis Moe's illustrated retelling of the Battle of Ragnarok and the events that preceded it.

Source Persons

Moe, Louis (no.) b. 1857
d. 1945
Nationality: Norwegian/Danish.
Occupation: illustrator
Residence: Copenhagen
Moe was an illustrator who was born in Norway but became a Danish citizen in 1919.