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Baer, Trish (en.) b. 25th January 1952
Occupation: Adjunct Professor in Medieval Studies; Digital Scholarship Fellow in the Electronic Texts and Culture Lab; editor and MyNDIR-IDG (Insight Development Grant) Team Leader

Creatures: animals, birds, monsters etc.

Freki (non.) One of the two wolves that accompany Óðinn.
Geri (non.) One of the two wolves that accompany Óðinn.

Gods and Goddesses

Óðinn (non.) Odin (en.) The chief god of the Æsir in The Prose Edda. However, in Heimskringla he was a mortal who tricks the King of Sweden into believing that he was a god.


Edwardian (en.)The Edwardian era began with the reign of King Edward VII, 1901 to 1910 (January 22, 1901 - 28 July, 1914). However, the era's end date is sometimes extended to the beginning of World War 1 (28 July 1914).
Victorian (en.)The Victorian era began with the reign of Queen Victoria and ended with her death (June 20, 1837 – January 22, 1901).
úlfr (non.) wolf (en.)

Source Materials:

Norse Stories, Retold from the Eddas (en.) The first edition of Norse Stories, Retold from the Eddas was published in 1882.

Source Persons

Mabie, Hamilton Wright (en.) b. 13th December 1846
d. 31st December 1916
Nationality: American
Occupation: author
Mabie was an author, essayist, critic, editor and lecturer.
Wright, George Hand (en.) b. 6th August 1872
d. 14th March 1951
Nationality: American
Occupation: illustrator, printmaker and painter