Höðr the Blind

Höðr the Blind

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Artist Not Known

Artist Not Known Artist not known for this illustration in the AM738 manuscript.

Gods and Goddesses

Baldr (non.) Balder (en.) The god who was killed by his brother Höðr.
Höðr (non.) Hod (en.) The god who killed his brother Baldr with a weapon made of mistletoe. Depending on the source, the mistletoe projectile is a spear, an arrow, or a dart. In the Prose Edda, Höðr is blind and his aim is guided by Loki.


Death of Baldr Myth A myth concerning an accidental fratricide. It sometimes includes Loki as an instigator who dupes Baldr's brother, Höðr, into the act and actually guides his hand. In the Prose Edda, Snorri says that Höðr was blind.


mistilteinn (non.) mistletoe (en.) Of all the plants, Frigg failed to ask mistletoe not to harm Baldr. Loki found out and used mistletoe to make the weapon that Höðr threw at Baldr.

Source Materials:

AM 738 4to (is.) Edda Oblongata (la.) This manuscript is known by its shelf mark AM738. However, it is also known as the Edda Oblongata because its height is unusually tall compared to its width. It was created circa 1680 by an unknown scribe.
Eddukvæði Poetic Edda This collection of eddic poems was compiled by an anonymous scholar in Iceland in the twelfth century. It was for a time mistakenly attributed to a scholar named Sæmundr hinn fróði (1056–1133) and thus was known as Sæmundar Edda.