The Treasures of the Gods

The Treasures of the Gods

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Laliberte, Camille (en.) b. 19th December 1998
Occupation: Research Assistant


Loki (non.)
Loki is counted among the gods but is a giant by birth.


Draupnir (non.) Odin's gold ring which has the power to multiply itself.
Gungnir (non.) Óðinn's spear whose name means "swaying one."
Mjöllnir (non.) Mjollnir (en.) Þórr's hammer that returns to his hand after he throws it.
Sif's Golden Hair (non.) The hair created by the dwarves to replace the hair that Loki cut off.
Skíðblaðnir (non.) A boat belonging to Freyr or Odin, depending on the myth.

Creatures: animals, birds, monsters etc.

Gullinbursti (non.) Sliðrugtanni (non.) This great boar was one of the three magical items made by the dwarves Brokk and Eitri, the sons of Ívaldi, at the request of Loki when he needed to appease the gods after he cut off Sif's hair. Loki gave Gullinbursti to Freyr to pull his chariot and it could run over the earth and through the air. Its golden bristles shone so that it could find its way day or night. Gullinbursti was also known as Sliðrugtanni.

Dwarves and Elves

Brokkr (non.) One of the Sons of Ivaldi and brother of the dwarf Eitri. Brokkr is also known as Sindri. Loki made a bet with these brothers that they could not make three treasures as good as the three treasures that the Sons of Ivaldi made for the gods.
Eitri (non.) The brother of the dwarf Brokkr. Eitri is also known as Sindri. Loki made a bet with these brothers that they could not make three treasures as good as the three treasures that the Sons of Ivaldi made for the gods.
Sons of Ivaldi (non.) Brokkr and Eitri, the sons of the dwarf Ivaldi, who are called upon to recreate Sif's hair and created other as well that are known as the Treasures of the Gods.other treasures for the Gods.

Gods and Goddesses

Sif (non.) The wife of Thor. She is known to have beautiful, long, golden hair, which Loki cuts off.
Þórr (non.) Thor (en.) In the Prose Edda, Þórr is the son of Óðinn and the giantess Jörð. However, in Heimskringla, he is a mortal.


The Treasures of the Gods The six treasures of the gods were made by two groups of dwarves at the request of Loki after he cut off Sif's hair while she was sleeping. Loki asks the dwarves to make the treasures in order to appease Sif’s husband, Þórr. The Sons of Ivaldi make golden hair to replace Sif's hair and also make the spear Gungnir and the ship "Skíðblaðnir. Loki bets the dwarves Brokkr and Eitri that they can not produce treasures equal to the ones made by the Sons of Ivaldi. Brokkr and Eitri create the boar Gullinbursti, the ring Draupnir, and Þórr’s hammer Mjöllnir. The gods judge Mjöllnir to be the greatest of the treasures. Loki loses the bet and almost loses his head but keeps it because the bet did not involve harming his neck.


Edwardian (en.)The Edwardian era began with the reign of King Edward VII, 1901 to 1910 (January 22, 1901 - 28 July, 1914). However, the era's end date is sometimes extended to the beginning of World War 1 (28 July 1914).
hamarr (non.) hammer (en.)
hringr (non.) ring (en.)
skip (non.) ship (en.)
spjót (non.) spear (en.)
villisvín (non.) boar (en.)

Source Materials:

In the Days of Giants (en.) Retelling of Norse Myth written by Abbie Farwell Brown and illustrated by Elmer Boyd Smith.

Source Persons

Brown, Abbie Farwell (en.) b. August 21, 1871
d. March 5, 1927
Nationality: American
Occupation: Author
Residence: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Abbie Farwell Brown was an American novelist, journalist, playwright, lyricist, and children's author.
Smith,Elmer Boyd (en.) b. May 31, 1860
d. October 5, 1943
Nationality: Canadian/American
Occupation: Author/Illustrator
Residence: Wilton, Connecticut, USA
A Canadian-American writer and illustrator.