Óðinn Taking Vébjörg to Valhöll

Óðinn Taking Vébjörg to Valhöll

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Creatures: animals, birds, monsters etc.

Sleipnir (non.) Óðinn´s eight-legged horse which Loki bore after mating with the Giant Builder's stallion Svaðilfari.

Gods and Goddesses

Óðinn (non.) Odin (en.) The chief god of the Æsir in The Prose Edda. However, in Heimskringla he was a mortal who tricks the King of Sweden into believing that he was a god.

Historical Persons, i.e. from Heimskringla, Saxo, sagas etc.

Vébjörg (non.) Vebjorg (en.) A shield maiden in Saxo's Gesta Danorum who died at the Battle of Brávellir. She is the shield maiden in Louis Moe's Valkyrien who becomes a Valkyrie.

Source Materials:

Valkyrien: Romantisk Digtning (da.) Valkyrie: An illustrated romance (en.) Louis Moe's illustrated retelling of the life and death of the legendary Danish shield maiden Vébjörg.

Source Persons

Moe, Louis (no.) b. 1857
d. 1945
Nationality: Norwegian/Danish.
Occupation: illustrator
Residence: Copenhagen
Moe was an illustrator who was born in Norway but became a Danish citizen in 1919.
Saxo Grammaticus (la.) b. 1150
d. 1220
Nationality: Danish
Occupation: cleric
Saxo wrote the Gesta Danorum, which is known in English as The History of the Danes . His account of mythological Norse gods and heroes is heavily euhemerized.