The Deluding of Gylfi

- Creator: Thomas Bartholin 1659-1690
- Description: The Swedish King Gylfi, who is in disguise as Gangleri, presumably in the presence of Óðinn, who is represented in three forms as Þriði, Jafnhárr, and Hárr. This scene is from the Deluding of Gylfi in Gylfaginning in Snorri's Edda. The illustration is in Bartholin's Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres.
- Source: Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres
- Folio or Page: 473
- Medium: Not known
- Date: 1689
- Dimensions (mm): 180 x 210
- Provenance:
This copy of Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres is in the Rare Book collection of Det Kongelige Bibliotek.P.A. Baer photographed this illustration Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres with the permission of Det Kongelige Bibliotek.
- Rights:
Illustrations from the 1689 edition of Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres are in the public domain.
Research notes, early print reviews, etc.:
P. A. Baer notes that this lithograph is a reverse image copy, without the text but including the asterisk, of the copperplate by Olaus Verelius in Gothrici & Rolfi Westrogothiae Regum Historia: Lingua antiqua Gothica conscripta from 1664 (43 [a]). See: mnd:GothRolfWestReg-1664-043a-01. - Bibliography:
Primary Sources
Bartholin, Thomas. Antiquitatum danicarum de causis contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres [Three books of Danish antiquities concerning the causes of the Danes’ contempt of death while they were still pagan]. Hafniae: Bockenhoffer, 1689.Secondary Sources
Baer, Patricia Ann. An Old Norse Image Hoard: From the Analog Past to the Digital Present. Diss. U. of Victoria, 2013. Web.Cleasby, Richard and Vigfússon Guðbrandur . An Icelandic-English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957. - Identity Number: AntiDani-1689-473-01
- Download size: 928 KB
- Related items: GothRolfWestReg-1664-043a-01
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Antiquitatum danicarum de causis
contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres Snorri
Sturluson Prose Edda Gylfaginning, Deluding of Gylfi Gylfi Gangleri Óðinn, Odin Þriði, Third Hárr, High Jafnhárr, Just-as-high Bartholin,
Thomas Antiquitatum danicarum de causis
contemptae a Danis adhuc gentilibus mortis libri tres