Móðguðr Guarding the Bridge

Móðguðr Guarding the Bridge

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Móðguðr (non.) Modgud (en.) A female being who guards the bridge Gjallarbrú that spans the river Gjöll which separates the land of the living from that of the dead. She allows Hermóðr to pass over the bridge on his journey to Hel to try and persuade Hel to release Baldr.


Gjallarbrú (non.) The name of the bridge over the river Gjöll which separates Hel from the land of the living. It is guarded by female being named Módguðr who allows Hermóðr to pass over when he goes to Hel to try and persuade Hel to release Baldr.

Mythological Events

Ragnarök (non.) Ragnarok (en.) The final great battle between the gods and the giants.

Mythological Places

Gjöll (non.) Gjoll (en.) The river that must be crossed on the journey to Hel. It has a female guardian named Móðguðr.
Hel (non.) In the Prose Edda, Óðinn assigns Loki and Angrboða's daughter Hel to rule over a domain named Hel in Niflheim.

Source Materials:

Prose Edda (is.) Snorri Sturluson's thirteenth-century prose work concerning Old Norse mythology and poetics.
Ragnarok: En Billeddigtning (da.) Louis Moe's illustrated retelling of the Battle of Ragnarok and the events that preceded it.

Source Persons

Moe, Louis (no.) b. 1857
d. 1945
Nationality: Norwegian/Danish.
Occupation: illustrator
Residence: Copenhagen
Moe was an illustrator who was born in Norway but became a Danish citizen in 1919.