The Death of Baldr

The Death of Baldr

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Loki (non.)
Loki is counted among the gods but is a giant by birth.

Gods and Goddesses

Baldr (non.) Balder (en.) The god who was killed by his brother Höðr.
Höðr (non.) Hod (en.) The god who killed his brother Baldr with a weapon made of mistletoe. Depending on the source, the mistletoe projectile is a spear, an arrow, or a dart. In the Prose Edda, Höðr is blind and his aim is guided by Loki.
Nanna (non.) The wife of Baldr and the mother of Forseti. According to Snorri, Nanna dies of grief and is burned along with Baldr on his funeral pyre.


Death of Baldr Myth A myth concerning an accidental fratricide. It sometimes includes Loki as an instigator who dupes Baldr's brother, Höðr, into the act and actually guides his hand. In the Prose Edda, Snorri says that Höðr was blind.


Edwardian (en.)The Edwardian era began with the reign of King Edward VII, 1901 to 1910 (January 22, 1901 - 28 July, 1914). However, the era's end date is sometimes extended to the beginning of World War 1 (28 July 1914).

Source Materials:

The Land of Enchantment (en.) A collection of Arthur Rackham's illustrations that originally appeared in the Victorian era periodical " Little Folks " between 1896 and 1902.

Source Persons

Buchheim, Emma Sophia (en.) Nationality: English
b. 1860
d. 1951
Nationality: Bristish
Occupation: British academic; lecturer on German, King's College London
The author of Stories From the Eddas, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, published in Little Folks.
Rackham, Arthur (no.) b. 1867
d. 1939
Nationality: English
Occupation: illustrator
Residence: London
One of the most prominent illustrators during the Golden Age of British Book Illustration (c. 1880 - 19300). His illustrations of Norse mythology frequently appeared in "Little Folks" which were collected and published in the Land of Enchantment. Rackham also created 64 coloured plates for the English translation of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, The Ring of the Niblung. The Rhinegold and the Valkyrie bound with Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods.